Establish anatomical and functional normality: Physical examination and / or ultrasound to assess the internal and external genitalia.

  Hormonal status: Mainly menstrual history and laboratory tests if applicable. Detectable related pathologies are anatomical abnormalities, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypo- or hyperthyroidism.
  Analysis of dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain): Discard a Endometriosis (endometrial tissue outside the uterus) which is a common cause of chronic pelvic pain and infertility). This can only be diagnosed with certainty through a diagnostic laparoscopy.

Contraception: Providing the tools to prevent unwanted pregnancy given the decreasing age of initiation of sexual activity. Current contraceptive methods are low risk if harnessed properly.


The teenagers do not need cytological screening since the rules are clear and talk about the beginning of the smears after age 21.













  Preconception advice: Prepare the woman to face pregnancy in the best way possible.
  Gynecological examination: Early diagnosis and treatment of breast disease, uterine as fibroids, ovarian cysts, which in most cases are not surgical, endometriosis and infertility.
  Cytology: This simple test is intended to diagnose early cellular changes in the cervix that translate pre malignant disease treated before allowing a manifest cervical cancer. This is a painless test that takes only a few seconds and is included in the gynecological checkup. It should be done annually for all sexually active women, but after two years consecutive normal Pap smears, can be made every 2-3 years.
  HPV test: This is a test that involves taking a small sample brush, mucus or discharge from the cervix or uterus (not a biopsy), and sent to specialized study, where we are informed if the patient has some of the high-risk HPV or carcinogenic. If it is negative, or normal, with normal cytology, the controls may be spaced every 5 years. If the test is positive, they will practice the patient more frequent controls and a test called colposcopy.

Early diagnosis allows any pathology reduce the consequences and refer qualified professionals and specialists in each subject: oncologists and experts in reproductive medicine.

  Physical and hormonal evaluation.
  Diagnosis and treatment, if any of uterine fibroids, adenomatosis and other benign or malignant gynecological tumors.
  Analysis of abnormal genital bleeding.
  Diagnosis and treatment of genital prolapse, vaginal amplitude, urinary incontinence.
  Diagnosis, treatment and derivation in case of body weight disorders.
  Breast ultrasound and mammography.
  Lipid and hormone profiles.
  Hormone replacement therapies.
  Bone Densitometry.
  Directed search of diabetes or glucose intolerance, hypothyroidism, cholelithiasis (gallstones).
  Consulting for improvement and optimization of sex life in old age.